Introducing King Goalz
King Goalz 101
The following series of videos, show the early days of what has grown into the "King Goals 101 Royal Courtyard". As the founder of King Goalz, I want to emphasis that my role is not a teacher or scholar for the course. I am simply a guide who is also a student. I practice these tips and lessons myself to develop more and more in the lifestyle of Kingship. Though I'm not perfect at it, I do believe that the more I practice the lessons, the better I will become at reigning in my life and in the territory God gave me. God has given me a lot more to share on this journey and I want to invite you all on the ride with me, as we become the Royal Kings and Queens Jesus said we would be!
The word Kingship means: the position, office or dignity of a king. In my words, this is like the way the King is. The way he walks, talks, moves, rules... Kingship relates to a Kings actions. Whether you are a male or female... King or Queen, your kingship is based on HOW you reign. Even as a young'n I'm aware that when Jesus said we would reign as Kings in the earth, He wasn't leaving the Queens out. When He said "Kings", He was speaking of our position of ruling. Because Kings hold the highest position of rulers in a Kingdom, his point was to let us know that HIS male and female children were all given the highest authority to reign in the earth. As sons and daughters of The King of Kings, we have the authority to have whatever God has made available. We are entitled to HIS inheritance! Jesus gave his life so we could have the same access to the throne that He has by using His name. The same way a royal persons last name would, but its more authority.
Because of Christ we are Royals, no matter the status of your bloodline. We were given the Highest ranking... Kings and Queens alike because of the blood that was shed for us! Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior gives you the right to reign in the earth with the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom Of Heaven will back you on Earth. It is the Kingdom of God the Father, God The Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit! Kingship 101 is a training course that will equip you with tips, skills and understanding to reign the way God intended us to.
King Goalz Season 1: Season 1 Ep. 1
This episode expresses some tips on knowing yourself.
King Goalz Season 1: Season 1 Ep. 1
This episode expresses some tips on knowing yourself.
This lesson in King Goalz touches on the important s of speaking well of yourself and surroundings, and gives some examples on how to speak positive.
This lesson in King Goalz is very important because it touches on the responsibility Kings have to Lead and how to be good leaders.
It is very important for Kings to have vision and a plan of what’s right for what they rule. This lesson in King Goalz breaks down some very important key facts on the matter.
This lesson in King Goalz pretty much touches on the importance of meaning what you say as a Kingand why your word should be your bond.
This is the LOVE Edition from this season, released during Valentines. It highlights 2 important quotes from Dr. Martin Lither King Jr. that Kings should know and live by in order to reign right.
This episode of King Goalz sheds light on The First Black ruler of The United States of America, President Barack Obama. We are Kings over our own territory, but ourPresidents of this country have the responsibility to display Kingly behavior while running our Country . I chose President Obama to do my black History project on because of that reason, and I shared some facts about him.
This lesson in King Goalz is a highlight of 2 Royals in history that aren’t as popular as some Black History pioneers. This King and Queen both did things in History that made our lives better for today.
This lesson in King Goalz should actually be the first lesson its so important. Keep God First, period! in everything you do. This lesson breaks down the how’s and why’s.
It’s very important to have a strategy inplace to execute any plan of action, that is if you want things to go smoothly. Good Kings make strategy a priority. This lesson in King Goalz breaks it down.
It’s very important to have a strategy inplace to execute any plan of action, that is if you want things to go smoothly. Good Kings make strategy a priority. This lesson in King Goalz breaks it down.